State of the database, as of May 21st 96 : Size of the binary part of the base (in Kbytes) : 1015519 Binary or, 113385 0cal 306442 0fix 113278 21cal 175795 21fix 306618 6fix Detail of the available data : Number of successfully processed variables MODEL 0cal 0fix 6fix 21cal 21fix ccc2.0 231 231 ccm1 216 216 ccm3 210 210 <--NEW echam3 224 224 224 <--CHANGED gen1 192 192 gen2 234 234 231 234 219 giss-iip 139 139 139 lln_nh_1 40 lmcelmd5 105 105 106 <--CHANGED lmcelmd4 102 105 103 <--CHANGED mri2 282 282 236 ugamp 242 242 242 242 242 ukmo 150 150 yonu 255 248 Notes : * ccm2 has been completely removed from the database * ccm3 has been added to the base (0fix and 6fix) * variances added to echam3/0fix * variances have been completely removed from lmcelmd4 and lmcelmd5