Table 6 : Orography
The table lists the prescribed orography for control,
6k and 21k.(for 21k, both the ice sheet extent and the surface elevation
change compared to the present day).
bmrc |
ccc2.0 |
ccm1 |
ccm3 |
ccsr1 |
climber2 |
cnrm-2 |
csiro |
echam3 |
gen1 |
gen2 |
gfdl |
giss-iip |
lln_nh_1 |
lmcelmd4 |
lmcelmd5 |
mri2 |
msu |
ugamp |
uiuc11 |
ukmo |
yonu |
GatNel = Gates and Nelson (1975)
ETOPO5 = ETOPO5 dataset National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration /
National Geophysical Data Center, 1989
UCLA = University of California at Los Angeles
[AMIP] = US Navy 10'x10' dataset (Joseph, 1980)
Peltier(0k) = Peltier's Actual data (1994)
Peltier(21k) = Peltier's Last Glacial Maximum data (1994)
[PMIP] = Peltier (21k) - Peltier(0k) + orog(used for control run)
US Navy ?FNOC? = Kineman, 1985