Table 7 : Sea surface temperature and sea-ice.
The table lists the prescribed sea surface temperature and sea-ice used for the " fix " experiments.
For the " cal " experiments : there are two methods used to compute the zonal equator-to-pole (meridional) oceanic heat transport (OHT) in the PMIP simulations :
a) Inferring the OHT and associated transport from a present day experiment with prescribed SSTs.
b) Inferring OHT from observed estimates (difference between
satellite radiation measurements and calculated atmospheric transports).
bmrc |
ccc2.0 |
ccm1 |
ccm3 |
ccsr1 |
climber2 |
cnrm-2 |
csiro |
echam3 |
gen1 |
gen2 |
gfdl |
giss-iip |
lln_nh_1 |
lmcelmd4 |
lmcelmd5 |
mri2 |
msu |
ugamp |
uiuc |
ukmo |
yonu |
[AMIP] = For Sea Surface Temperature : Reynold's data (1979-1988) - 10 years mean.
For Sea-ice : US Navy and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ice Joint Center data for 79-88
AlMob = Alexander and Mobley (1976)
Shea = Shea et al. (1992)
NESDIS = NOAA Atlas NESDIS 4, World Ocean Atlas 1994, Volume 4: Temperature, Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept.of Commerce, S.Levitus, T.P.Boyer.
MOHSST3 = Meteorological Office Observational Climatology ( 1951-1980)
[PMIP] = CLIMAP (21k) - CLIMAP (0k) + SST (used for control run)
CLIMAP(21k) = CLIMAP Last Glacial Maximum data (1981)
CLIMAP(0k) = CLIMAP present data (1981)