Documentation of
the PMIP models (Bonfils et al. 1998)
Summary Reports (from AMIP documentation Phillips
In this section, some 30 properties are described for each PMIP model.
The level of detail of the information is intermediate between that of
an outline and a comprehensive documentation of model features. Thus, the
intent is to qualitatively summarize the essence of the principal features
of a model, rather than to fully elaborate the quantitative details of
the algorithms and parameterizations. The latter may be found by examining
the documentation cited in the feature descriptions (see the references
within each model description, or the comprehensive
bibliography. The PMIP representatives also may be consulted for details
on model parameterizations, boundary and initial conditions, and computational
A strength of this summary documentation is that the features
of the PMIP models are elaborated with respect to a common set of categories.
These are:
PMIP representative(s)
Model designation (following the WGNE-recommended form: Institution, Model
Version (Horizontal/Vertical Resolution) "Vintage Year"
Model identification for PMIP
PMIP run(s)
Model lineage (predecessor and related models)
Model documentation (key references)
Horizontal representation (spectral or finite differences)
Horizontal resolution
Vertical domain (lowest/highest atmospheric levels)
Vertical representation (coordinates and differencing schemes)
Vertical resolution
Computer/operating system (for the PMIP simulation)
Computational performance (minutes per simulated day)
Initialization (of atmospheric state, snow cover/depth, and soil moisture)
Time integration scheme(s)
Smoothing/filling (types of algorithms used)
Sampling frequency (PMIP history storage interval)
Atmospheric dynamics (state variables)
Diffusion (horizontal and vertical)
Gravity-wave drag
Solar constant/cycles (PMIP solar constant, inclusion of diurnal cycle)
Chemistry (radiatively active gases and aerosols)
Radiation (shortwave/longwave schemes, cloud-radiative interactions)
Convection (deep and shallow)
Cloud formation (prognostic or diagnostic schemes)
Precipitation (formation and subsequent evaporation)
Planetary boundary layer (representation and depth)
Orography (datasets, smoothing procedures)
Ocean (treatment for PMIP simulation)
Sea ice (treatment for PMIP simulation)
Snow cover (formation/melting, effects on surface characteristics)
Surface characteristics (surface types, roughness, albedo, emissivity)
Surface fluxes (momentum, heat, and moisture)
Land surface processes (vegetation and soil thermodynamics/hydrology)
Although not an exhaustive accounting of model features, these categories
provide a framework for a reasonably comprehensive description of the numerics,
dynamics, and physics of the PMIP models. It is acknowledged, however,
that such a schema may convey the false impression that model features
which are nonlinearly interconnected are to be viewed as independent entities.
In a given feature summary, therefore, the interdependence of model properties
is made explicit by directing the reader to examine the descriptions of
related features (e.g., by referring to the description of cloud formation
in the summary of atmospheric radiation, etc.). Hypertext links are provided
to facilitate this cross referencing.
The model feature summary reports follow in the alphabetical order
of the PMIP group acronyms.
Last update November 9, 1998. For further information, contact: Céline
Bonfils (