# PMIP reference file generated from pub21k_res.pbb - 06/12/01
# J-Y Peterschmitt / LSCE / CEA Saclay / pmipweb@lsce.saclay.cea.fr
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# PMIP reference file generated from pub21k_synt.pbb - 11/13/01
# J-Y Peterschmitt / LSCE / CEA Saclay / pmipweb@lsce.saclay.cea.fr
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# PMIP reference file generated from pub21k_comp.pbb - 06/12/01
# J-Y Peterschmitt / LSCE / CEA Saclay / pmipweb@lsce.saclay.cea.fr
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# PMIP reference file generated from pub21k_rel.pbb - 02/04/02
# J-Y Peterschmitt / LSCE / CEA Saclay / pmipweb@lsce.saclay.cea.fr
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