The PMIP File Formats
Note: the PMIP file formats were originally defined in Newsletter 6. Click
here if you want to learn how to find the
files in the database.
The README files
Click here to see examples in the
A README file has been provided for each model and simulation, with
a name of the form : modelid_run_README.txt
- modelid is the standard model name.
- run has one of the following values : 0fix, 6fix, 21fix,
21cal (and 6cal in the case of llnl_nh1).
The lines of a README file can be either :
- blank lines.
- lines with a keyword followed by standard information.
- comment (or additional information) lines starting with a "#".
List of the keywords and their related information :
- MODEL_ID should be identical to the modelid
parameter supplied to subroutine wrtascii.
- MODEL_NAME should be identical to the modelnm
parameter supplied to subroutine wrtascii.
- PMIP_RUN should be identical to the run
parameter supplied to subroutine wrtascii.
- YEARS_MEAN is the number of years contributing to
climatological statistics (i.e. averaging period for data) and should
be identical to the lensim parameter supplied to subroutine
- YEARS_SPUNUP is the number of years the model was
"spun up" prior to the climatological averaging period (i.e., the
spin-up time).
- NB_SAMPLES is the number of samples per day contributing
to the time-means. If one accumulated over each time-step, then the
number of samples should equal the number of time-steps per day even
though one may have only saved the accumulations a few times per day.
If different variables were sampled at different intervals, this
parameter should be the fewest samples per day that contributed to any
of the time means. The sampling interval for each variable may be
listed in the comments section of the README file.
- DIM_LONGITUDE is the model's longitude dimension
(i.e. the number of longitude grid cells in the model).
- DIM_LATITUDE is your model's latitude dimension (i.e. the
number of latitude grid cells in the model).
- DIM_LEVELS is your model's vertical coordinate dimension
(i.e. the number of levels in the model).
- MODEL_MONTHS is a list of the number of days in each
month, according to the model. It is a list of blank-separated
- PMIP_CONTACT is the person to contact concerning this
- ADDRESS is the contact's address.
- PHONE is the contact's phone number.
- FAX is the contact's fax number.
- EMAIL is the contact's e-mail address.
NOTE: The following final two items must appear on comment lines
(i.e., lines starting with '#')
- MODEL_DOCUMENTATION is followed by a list of references
that document the model.
- COMMENTS is followed by any further information of
interest concerning the model and the simulation.
The binary files
Click here to see examples in the
database. It may also be interesting to look at the tools' links.
The binary files are in auto-documented NetCDF format and were generated from ASCII files
submitted by the PMIP participants. The paragraph about text files,
below, explains how to make an ASCII dump from a binary file.
Each file contains only one variable. The file names have the
format :
- modelid is the standard model name.
- run has one of the following values : 0fix, 6fix, 21fix,
0cal, 21cal (and 6cal in the case of llnl_nh1).
- variable is the name of the PMIP variable stored in the
file. You can get the list of all the (theoretically) available
variables on the PMIP variables' page.
- stat has one of the following values : ca, cs, cm,
- vartype has one of the following values : map, 3d,
The text files
The original version of the PMIP database provided the data files
in both binary and ASCII (text) format, because the PMIP groups had to
submit their files in a unified text format. The files are now available
only in binary format, to reduce the size of the
database (and get rid of potential consistency problems).
If needed, you can easily get a text dump from a NetCDF binary file
by using ncdump (from the NetCDF package) or ncks (from the NCO package), on
UNIX/Linux machines :
ncdump -h will show the header of the data file.
ncdump -c will show the header of the data file and
the values of the coordinates.
ncdump > file.txt will dump the whole file
(header, coordinates and the variable itself) to a text file.
ncks -H will show the values of the coordinates and
of the variable.
ncks -H -C -s"%f\n" -v variable > file.txt will dump
only the variable to a text.file (with one value per line).
You should also find similar utilities on other platforms here.
Database http access
Please note that these links are only provided as shortcuts from
this page to the ftp part of the base. Make sure you also read the database access page!
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Last updated 2007/05/03 13:21:09 |