PMIP DB Newsletter 9


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     | Updated state of the PMIP database as of October 29th 97 |

WARNING  :  the database  can  only  be  accessed  by groups who  have
contributed results. Other groups should ask  Sylvie Joussaume or Karl
Taylor to grant them access.

You will find below,  for each model, the  list of changes and patches
applied to the variables

	BETWEEN   May 22nd 97   AND   October 29th 97


     we strongly advise you  to  read this  mail  thoroughly  and


Please CHECK YOUR EMAIL at the beginning  of this mail. It is possible
that we used an old  email address. If you have  a new address, let us
know about it by sending a mail to :
      jypeter (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)
or    paleo   (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)

Updated state of the PMIP database as of October 29th 97

Detail of the available data :

                           Number of variables
	MODEL          0cal   0fix   6fix   21cal  21fix  6cal(*)
	bmrc                  282    282                         
	ccc2.0                232    231                         
	ccm1           217                  217                  
	ccm3                  211    210                         
	ccsr1                 277    276           277           
	cnrm-2                225    222                         
	csiro                 246    245                         
	echam3                226    224           225           
	gen1           193                  193                  
	gen2           242    242    237    242    227           
	gfdl           276    277    276    276                  
	giss-iip              158    157                         
	lln_nh_1       59                   60            60     
	lmcelmd4              187    186           185           
	lmcelmd5              193    192           191           
	mri2                  283    282           189           
	ugamp          255    255    254    255    255           
	uiuc11                270    272                         
	ukmo           151    256    255    151                  
	yonu                         248            

	(*) 6cal allowed only for lln_nh_1

Size of the binary part of the base (in Kbytes) :

        1600064    Binary

or, more precisely

	195534     0cal
	506907     0fix
	235        6cal
	509527     6fix
	195542     21cal
	192318     21fix

Notes about the base

We asked in the  previous mail if  anybody used the  ASCII part of the
base. We didn't get any  answer about this. Please  let us know if you
need  the ASCII files. Otherwise,  we may  assume  that it  is safe to
remove  those files,  should we  need  more disk space for  the binary

Reported and corrected problems

When you find something wrong, please let us know  about it by sending
a mail to :
      jypeter (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)
or    paleo   (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)

The changes  applied  to the binary part   of the base  have also been
applied to the ASCII part.  If you find something inconsistent between
the two parts, you should let us know, and temporarily assume that the
binary version is correct.

When    you  create your    data  files  with  Karl Taylor's  wrtascii
subroutine,  please READ THE  WARNING/ERROR  MESSAGES generated by the
subroutine! This is a good way to avoid basic errors...

When you send new/updated/corrected data, please add a 'release' field
to the standard name of  the archive defined  in the "PMIP  Newsletter
N. 6" : modelid_run_stat.tar.Z ==> modelid_run_stat_RELEASE.tar.Z

e.g. : lmcelmd4_0fix_ca_002.tar.Z, lmcelmd4_0fix_cs_tgcs.tar.Z

Note that  only  the name  of the  archive  needs to be   changed. The
structure of  the archive and  the names of the  files present  in the
archive remain unchanged!

MAJOR changes

Read this section and the next one  to determine if you have retrieved
data sets that are flawed (and may have been corrected).


* ccm3_6fix has been CORRECTED (the files had  monthly average dates 1
 day off from what they should have been).


* A point was  not very clear  in the previous  mail and  has confused
 some  people.  It was written  that  people should only use 'fix'(ed)
 gen2  runs. That was true before  March 96.  The  'cal' runs released
 after this date are CORRECT.


* gfdl_[0fix, 0cal, 6fix, 21cal] runs have been ADDED to the base. The
  rlt  variables have been  corrected. The  stfmm variables were WRONG
  and have been removed.


* giss-iip_6fix is FLAWED (insolation problem) and will soon be
 updated. DO NOT USE IT until the new fields are available!


* lln_nh_1_[6cal, 21cal] runs have  been ADDED to  the base. Note that
 "6cal" is allowed only for lln_nh_1.

* Variables       have      been   added     to     lln_nh_1_0cal (but
 lln_nh_1_0cal_hfss_cm_map[.nc] was WRONG and has been REMOVED).


* mri2_21fix_[cs,  cm] variables were   FLAWED and  have been  REMOVED
 (there was a  5-day shift in the   seasonal and monthly means).   For
 21fix,   please  USE ONLY  mri2_21fix_ca variables.    The cm  and cs
 variables will soon be corrected.


* The group 2 variables (uiuc11_[0, 6]fix_*_3d[.nc]) are FLAWED. Their
 'time' and 'pressure level' dimensions have been swapped.  DO NOT USE
 THEM until the corrected fields are available!


* yonu_0fix still has insolation problems. DO NOT USE IT yet!

Other new errors and changes

If an error in YOUR model is mentioned below and we have not gotten in
touch with you about it, it means that we  should be able to take care
of the  problem ourselves...  when we have  time.  You are nonetheless
welcome to confirm  the error, tell us  if other similar variables may
also be wrong, and send us updated/corrected data!


* echam3_21fix_tg_cs_map[.nc]  was WRONG and has been REPLACED.


* ugamp_*_v[a,s,m]_snm_map[.nc] variables have been ADDED to the base


* uiuc11_[0, 6]fix_orog_ca_map[.nc] was on  the  wrong grid. The  grid
 has been corrected. GET THE NEW FIELDS!

Errors reported in the previous mail

The following errors have not been corrected yet :


	!! The sign of ccc2*tau[u,v] is wrong.


	!! The sign of ccm1*tau[u,v] is wrong.


	!! The sign of ccm3*tau[u,v] is wrong.


	!! For all fields the grid is shifted east by half a grid cell
            (3.75 degrees) and is therefore incorrect.


	!! Some gen2*sftland* points have  very small values when they
	should have a 0.0 value over the ocean.

	!! All the AGCM variables are shifted  1.875 degrees west, and
	the LSX variables are shifted 1. degree west.


	!! Problems with mri2_*_sftland_*

	!! The sign of mri2*tau[u,v] is wrong.

List of the available variables

The tables  below list what monthly  variables are available  for 
0fix AND 6fix, 0fix AND 21fix, 0cal AND 21cal.

0fix and 6fix

                          b  c  c  c  c  c  c  e  g  g  g  g  l  l  l  m  u  u  u  y  
                          m  c  c  c  c  n  s  c  e  e  f  i  l  m  m  r  g  i  k  o  
                          r  c  m  m  s  r  i  h  n  n  d  s  n  c  c  i  a  u  m  n  
                          c  2  1  3  r  m  r  a  1  2  l  s  _  e  e  2  m  c  o  u  
                          |  .  |  |  1  -  o  m  |  |  |  -  n  l  l  |  p  1  |  |  
                          |  0  |  |  |  2  |  3  |  |  |  i  h  m  m  |  |  1  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  i  _  d  d  |  |  |  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  p  1  4  5  |  |  |  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
6fix&0fix_orog_cm_map     X  X     X  X              X  X        X  X  X        X    
6fix&0fix_sftland_cm_map  X  X     X  X              X  X        X  X  X        X    
6fix&0fix_seaice_cm_map   X  X     X  X     X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_snow_cm_map        X              X        X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_sim_cm_map      X  X        X     X        X  X              X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_rsdt_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_rsut_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_rlt_cm_map      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_rsds_cm_map     X  X     X  X     X  X     X  X  X     X  X        X  X 
6fix&0fix_rsus_cm_map     X  X     X  X     X  X     X  X  X     X  X        X  X 
6fix&0fix_rss_cm_map                     X                             X  X          
6fix&0fix_rls_cm_map      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hfss_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hfls_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_mrso_cm_map     X  X        X  X  X  X        X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_snm_cm_map      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_mrro_cm_map     X        X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X    
6fix&0fix_pr_cm_map       X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_prc_cm_map      X        X  X  X  X  X     X     X           X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_prsnwe_cm_map   X              X     X        X  X        X     X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_evs_cm_map      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_prw_cm_map      X        X  X  X  X        X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_tas_cm_map      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_tg_cm_map       X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_pmsl_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_usfc_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X     X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_vsfc_cm_map        X     X  X  X     X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_tauu_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X           X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_tauv_cm_map     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X           X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hursfc_cm_map               X  X           X  X  X           X     X  X    
6fix&0fix_clt_cm_map      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_clw_cm_map                           X                 X  X        X  X    
6fix&0fix_rltcs_cm_map    X        X  X  X  X        X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_rstcs_cm_map    X        X  X  X  X        X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_rlscs_cm_map    X        X  X  X  X        X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X    
6fix&0fix_rsdscs_cm_map   X           X     X           X              X        X    
6fix&0fix_rsuscs_cm_map   X           X     X           X                       X    
6fix&0fix_rsscs_cm_map                   X                                X          
6fix&0fix_zg_cm_3d        X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_ta_cm_3d        X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_u_cm_3d         X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_v_cm_3d         X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hus_cm_3d       X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X        X  X  X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hur_cm_3d       X  X        X  X  X        X  X              X  X     X    
6fix&0fix_stfuv_cm_3d     X  X        X  X  X  X                       X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_potuv_cm_3d     X  X        X  X  X  X                       X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_u_cm_xsec       X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X              X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_v_cm_xsec       X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X              X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_ta_cm_xsec      X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X              X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hus_cm_xsec     X  X     X  X  X  X  X     X  X              X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_hur_cm_xsec     X  X        X  X           X  X              X  X  X  X 
6fix&0fix_clt_cm_xsec     X  X     X  X        X        X              X     X    
6fix&0fix_stfmm_cm_xsec   X  X        X                                X  X  X  X    

0fix and 21fix

                          b  c  c  c  c  c  c  e  g  g  g  g  l  l  l  m  u  u  u  y  
                          m  c  c  c  c  n  s  c  e  e  f  i  l  m  m  r  g  i  k  o  
                          r  c  m  m  s  r  i  h  n  n  d  s  n  c  c  i  a  u  m  n  
                          c  2  1  3  r  m  r  a  1  2  l  s  _  e  e  2  m  c  o  u  
                          |  .  |  |  1  -  o  m  |  |  |  -  n  l  l  |  p  1  |  |  
                          |  0  |  |  |  2  |  3  |  |  |  i  h  m  m  |  |  1  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  i  _  d  d  |  |  |  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  p  1  4  5  |  |  |  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
21fix&0fix_orog_cm_map                X              X           X  X                
21fix&0fix_sftland_cm_map             X              X           X  X                
21fix&0fix_seaice_cm_map              X        X                 X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_snow_cm_map                               X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_sim_cm_map                 X                                   X          
21fix&0fix_rsdt_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_rsut_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_rlt_cm_map                 X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_rsds_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X                
21fix&0fix_rsus_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X                
21fix&0fix_rss_cm_map                                                     X          
21fix&0fix_rls_cm_map                 X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_hfss_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_hfls_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_mrso_cm_map                X        X                 X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_snm_cm_map                 X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_mrro_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X                
21fix&0fix_pr_cm_map                  X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_prc_cm_map                 X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_prsnwe_cm_map                       X                    X     X          
21fix&0fix_evs_cm_map                 X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_prw_cm_map                 X              X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_tas_cm_map                 X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_tg_cm_map                  X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_pmsl_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_usfc_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_vsfc_cm_map                X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_tauu_cm_map                X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_tauv_cm_map                X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_hursfc_cm_map              X              X                               
21fix&0fix_clt_cm_map                 X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_clw_cm_map                          X                 X  X                
21fix&0fix_rltcs_cm_map               X              X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_rstcs_cm_map               X              X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_rlscs_cm_map               X              X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_rsdscs_cm_map              X                                              
21fix&0fix_rsuscs_cm_map              X                                              
21fix&0fix_rsscs_cm_map                                                   X          
21fix&0fix_zg_cm_3d                   X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_ta_cm_3d                   X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_u_cm_3d                    X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_v_cm_3d                    X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_hus_cm_3d                  X        X     X           X  X     X          
21fix&0fix_hur_cm_3d                  X              X                    X          
21fix&0fix_stfuv_cm_3d                X        X                          X          
21fix&0fix_potuv_cm_3d                X        X                          X          
21fix&0fix_u_cm_xsec                  X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_v_cm_xsec                  X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_ta_cm_xsec                 X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_hus_cm_xsec                X        X     X                    X          
21fix&0fix_hur_cm_xsec                X              X                    X          
21fix&0fix_clt_cm_xsec                X        X                                     
21fix&0fix_stfmm_cm_xsec              X                                   X          

0cal and 21cal
                          b  c  c  c  c  c  c  e  g  g  g  g  l  l  l  m  u  u  u  y  
                          m  c  c  c  c  n  s  c  e  e  f  i  l  m  m  r  g  i  k  o  
                          r  c  m  m  s  r  i  h  n  n  d  s  n  c  c  i  a  u  m  n  
                          c  2  1  3  r  m  r  a  1  2  l  s  _  e  e  2  m  c  o  u  
                          |  .  |  |  1  -  o  m  |  |  |  -  n  l  l  |  p  1  |  |  
                          |  0  |  |  |  2  |  3  |  |  |  i  h  m  m  |  |  1  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  i  _  d  d  |  |  |  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  p  1  4  5  |  |  |  |  |  
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
21cal&0cal_orog_cm_map          X                 X  X  X     X                 X    
21cal&0cal_sftland_cm_map       X                 X  X  X     X                 X    
21cal&0cal_seaice_cm_map        X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_snow_cm_map                            X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_sim_cm_map           X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_rsdt_cm_map          X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_rsut_cm_map          X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_rlt_cm_map           X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_rsds_cm_map                            X  X  X     X                 X    
21cal&0cal_rsus_cm_map                            X  X  X     X                 X    
21cal&0cal_rss_cm_map                                                     X          
21cal&0cal_rls_cm_map           X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_hfss_cm_map          X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_hfls_cm_map          X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_mrso_cm_map          X                       X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_snm_cm_map           X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_mrro_cm_map          X                 X  X  X                       X    
21cal&0cal_pr_cm_map            X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_prc_cm_map           X                 X  X                    X     X    
21cal&0cal_prsnwe_cm_map        X                       X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_evs_cm_map           X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_prw_cm_map           X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_tas_cm_map           X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_tg_cm_map            X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_pmsl_cm_map          X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_usfc_cm_map          X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_vsfc_cm_map          X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_tauu_cm_map          X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_tauv_cm_map          X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_hursfc_cm_map                             X  X                       X    
21cal&0cal_clt_cm_map           X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_clw_cm_map                                                           X    
21cal&0cal_rltcs_cm_map         X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_rstcs_cm_map         X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_rlscs_cm_map         X                 X  X  X     X           X     X    
21cal&0cal_rsdscs_cm_map                                X     X                 X    
21cal&0cal_rsuscs_cm_map                                X     X                 X    
21cal&0cal_rsscs_cm_map                                                   X          
21cal&0cal_zg_cm_3d             X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_ta_cm_3d             X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_u_cm_3d              X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_v_cm_3d              X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_hus_cm_3d            X                 X  X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_hur_cm_3d                                 X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_stfuv_cm_3d                                                    X     X    
21cal&0cal_potuv_cm_3d                                                    X     X    
21cal&0cal_u_cm_xsec            X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_v_cm_xsec            X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_ta_cm_xsec           X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_hus_cm_xsec          X                    X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_hur_cm_xsec                               X  X                 X     X    
21cal&0cal_clt_cm_xsec          X                    X  X                            
21cal&0cal_stfmm_cm_xsec                                                  X     X    


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