********************************************* PALEOCLIMATE MODELING INTERCOMPARISON PROJECT ********************************************* Workshop letter / No. 5 ---------------------------- February 22, 1996 Dear PMIP workshop participant, The purpose of this letter is to summarize the subprojects defined at the October PMIP Workshop and to set up specific mailing lists through which we can effectively communicate. This letter is initially being distributed only to the workshop participants, and it requires your comments and input before being mailed to a larger group, including all PMIP participants. You will find enclosed: 1) the list of subprojects, as discussed during the workshop; 2) proposed mailing lists for each subproject with information on how to subscribe and how to use them; 3) a proposed list of primary contacts (one per AGCM), who will receive inquiries by subprojects concerning the details of the PMIP models (e.g., type of parameterizations used, treatment of land surface ,etc.); 4) the names, adresses and email addresses of all workshop participants. ############################################################################## PROPOSED SUBPROJECTS ############################################################################## All subprojects described below were proposed during the workshop in Collonges-la-Rouge. For some of them (tropical climates 6 kyr BP, for example), a brief description has already been written by the coordinators and participants are ready to begin working. For others (tropical climates 21 kyr BP, for example), no description nor coordinator have been proposed so far. The following descriptions should serve as an adequate working draft, but we ask the coordinators of each subproject to edit and improve these. We would like your revised descriptions by the Vernal Equinox (March 21 at noon) at last. Be sure that both the objectives and methodology are clearly stated. All revisions should be sent to: paleo (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page). Two approaches for analyzing the data were discussed at the workshop. In one approach, each modeling group will be asked to carry out a specified analysis of their model, and then the results will be gathered and summarized by a "synthesizer". An alternative approach will require the "synthesizer" to process all the model output and again summarize the results. The second approach may be more appropriate if all the data needed are already available as part of the PMIP data archive. In revising the following descriptions it would be useful to include an indication of which approach will be followed (or describe some variant on these two approaches). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Climate sensitivity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinators: Karl Taylor, David Rind, John Mitchell * The objective of this subproject is to estimate climate sensitivity for paleoclimate simulations, and compare it to other climatic conditions. * Procedure and tasks: 1. Calculate radiative forcing due to various changes in boundary conditions (insolation, changes in surface albedo, greenhouse gas forcing). 2. Calculate climate sensitivity. 3. Evaluate importance of different feedbacks. 4. Compare climate sensitivity for different experiments and also to sensitivity to doubling of CO2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Tropical climates, 6 kyr BP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinators: John Kutzbach, John Mitchell, Pascale Braconnot, Nathalie de Noblet * The primary objectives of this sub-project are to: 1. evaluate and quantify the sensitivity of Asian and African monsoons to changes in insolation and CO2; 2. find out which mechanisms are robust (i.e. present in most of the models) and which are not; 3. see whether we can rank the sensitivity of the monsoons according to the complexity of their parameterizations. Model-model as well as model-data comparisons will be used to achieve these goals. * This subprojet will consider: 1. Diagnostics of the large scale dynamics and energetics, and relationship with the regional scale (involving the study of Hadley and Walker circulations, diabatic heating, position of the ITCZ, tropical waves, subtropical jet, ...) 2. Regional study of monsoons: Asia and/or Africa, summer and/or winter. Three main points will be developed: * intercomparison of the simulated land-surface climatologies, and comparing them with lake and pollen data; * study of onset, duration and intensity of the summer monsoon in relation to changes in the length of the season and insolation at the top of the atmosphere; * impact of model parameterizations, with particular emphasis on land surface processes and clouds. Very simple diagnostics (zonal/meridional means, P-E maps, runoff and monsoon index) will be output first, to provide an overview of the model behaviour. Comparison with data will also be made at that point. Some of these results will serve as a basis for the gross features to be contributed to the 6 kyr BP overview paper. More sophisticated diagnostics will then be developed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Extra-tropics, 6 kyr BP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinators: Patrick Bartlein, Nathalie de Noblet * The objective of this subproject is to study the impact of insolation changes on the mid-latitude large-scale circulation * Procedure and tasks: 1. Circulation changes: planetary waves, storm tracks, surface energy and moisture balance 2. Data-model comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Extra-tropics, 21 kyr BP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinator: Paul Valdes * The objective of this subproject is to study the impact of the Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions on the simulated mid-latitude large-scale circulation. * Analyses will be carried out as follows: 1. Circulation changes: planetary waves, Southern and Northern Hemisphere westerlies, storm tracks. 2. Impact of sea-ice on the simulated surface fluxes. Comparison of simulations with computed versus simulations with prescribed SSTs. 3. Study of the simulated local circulation over ice-sheets (seasonal cycle, energy balance) 4. Surface climate : model-data comparison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Ocean forcing at the last glacial maximum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinators: Klaus Herterich, Michael Lautenschlager, Tony Broccoli This subproject is already divided in two parts: IV.A. The forcing of ocean circulation during glacial times .............................................................................. Coordinators: Klaus Herterich, Michael Lautenschlager * The objective here is to study the simulated surface heat fluxes that are used to drive ocean general circulation models * Procedure and tasks: 1. U. Bremen/DKRZ will compute the vertical heat fluxes at the ocean surface (annual mean), from the different models, in order to determine and intercompare the meridional heat transports. 2. Obtain boundary conditions (fresh water flux, heat fluxes, wind stresses, surface air temperature) from the PMIP simulations needed to force ocean models and carry out ocean simulations. IV.B. The problem of Q-flux in mixed-layer ocean models .............................................................................. Coordinator: Tony Broccoli * The objective here is to study the impact of computed SSTs on the simulated climate of the Last Glacial maximum. * The procedure will be to compare the different technics used, and see what this implies for ocean heat transport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Ice sheet mass balance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinators: Dave Pollard, Gerhard Krinner, Karl Taylor * The objective of this subproject is to study the impact of the simulated climate changes on ice-sheets. * Procedure and tasks: 1. Diagnostic calculations will be carried out, using all PMIP simulations, to study the net balance for each icesheet, in most models, for 0, 6, and 21 kyr. A rather detailed description of the different methodologies, including a brief questionnaire has already been sent to one member of each AGCM group by Dave Pollard. 2. Global (x,y) fields of net annual sow/ice accumulation-ablation will be plotted for most models, to see if any "initiation" is simulated. 3. Global fields of "potential" net balance (x,y,z), necessary to drive ice sheet models, will be derived and studied for some models. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. Tropical climates, 21 kyr BP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinator(s): ? * The objective of this subproject is to study the impact of LGM boundary conditions on the simulated climates of the tropics. * Procedure and tasks: 1. Study the simulated changes in the african and asian monsoons. What is the relative impact of the different prescribed boundary conditions? 2. Compare computed SSTs to fixed SSTs (CLIMAP). 3. Model-Data comparisons. ############################################################################## MAILING LISTS FOR SUBPROJECTS ############################################################################## # Mailing lists have been defined for each subproject. For those who have registered on each list during the workshop: you will soon get an email informing you that you are a "registered subscriber" and giving you some information on how to use the mailing list. # All lists have been defined and will be updated (maintained) at LMCE. # The members of each subproject will be able to send messages to all the other (registered) members of the group by sending an email to: pmip_nameofsubproject-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> # The only persons allowed to send a message to a list or to retrieve any related information (mails previously sent to the list and archived, list of subscribers, ...) are those who have subscribed. # If you want to join a mailing list (or remove your name from it) you don't already subscribe to, you will have to send an email to both the co-ordinator of the project and to: "listman@<list_is_no_more_in_use>" at LMCE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mailing lists and subscribers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Climate sensitivity .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-clim-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Braconnot, Broccoli, Dong, Hewitt, Joussaume, Kislov, Kitoh, Kutzbach, Loutre, McFarlane, Micthell, de Noblet, Oglesby, Oh, Otto-Bliesner, Prentice, Ramstein, Rind, Schlesinger, Sloan, Syktus, Taylor, Vettoretti, Webb * Tropical climates, 6 kyr BP .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-trop6-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Bartlein, Braconnot, Dong, Harrison, Hewitt, Jolly, Joussaume, Kislov, Kitoh, Kutzbach, Loutre, Masson, MacFarlane, Mitchell, de Noblet, Oh, Otto-Bliesner, Rind, Syktus, Taylor, Valdes, Vettoretti, Webb * Extra-tropics, 6 kyr BP .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-hilat6-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Bartlein, Guiot, Harrison, Hewitt, Joussaume, Kislov, Kitoh, Krinner, Kutzbach, Masson, McFarlane, de Noblet, Oh, Pollard, Rind, Syktus, Taylor, Valdes, Vettoretti * Extra-tropics, 21 kyr BP .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-hilat21-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Bartlein, Guiot, Harrison, Hewitt, Joussaume, Kislov, Kitoh, Krinner, Kutzbach, Masson, Oh, Otto-Bliesner, Ramstein, Rind, Sloan, Syktus, Taylor, Valdes * Ocean forcing .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-ocean-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Braconnot, Dong, Herterich, Hewitt, Joussaume, Kitoh, Kutzbach, Lautenschlager, McFarlane, Oglesby, Oh, Otto-Bliesner, Pollard, Prentice, Ramstein, Rind, Schlesinger, Sloan, Syktus, Taylor, Valdes, Vettoretti, Webb * Ice-sheet mass balance .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-ice-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Broccoli, Dong, Herterich, Hewitt, Joussaume, Kislov, Kitoh, Krinner, Kutzbach, Loutre, Micthell, Oglesby, Oh, Pollard, Ramstein, Rind, Schlesinger, Sloan, Syktus, Taylor, Valdes, Verbitsky * Tropical climates, 21 kyr BP .............................................................................. - mailing list: pmip-trop21-l@<list_is_no_more_in_use> - Subscribers: Abe-Ouchi, Braconnot, Broccoli, Dong, Harrison, Hewitt, Jolly, Joussaume, Kitoh, Kutzbach, Masson, Mitchell, Oh, Otto-Bliesner, Pollard, Prentice, Ramstein, Rind, Sloan, Syktus, Taylor, Valdes, Webb ############################################################################## PROPOSED LIST OF CORRESPONDENT FOR EACH AGCM ############################################################################## The following list is preliminary and requires the approval of all of you, especially those who are quoted below, before a specific mailing list, similar to the ones described above, is assigned to it for convenience. It should be used only when specific information is required regarding the parameterizations developed in each AGCM. The correspondents are asked to forward the request to any member of their scientific team he/she thinks is the most appropriate to answer the question. If we do not receive your agreement/disagreement within the next 2/3 weeks, we will assume you approve our choice. * NAME * MODEL ************************************************* * Kutzbach * CCM2 * Pollard * Genesis 2 * Taylor * Genesis / LLNL * Broccoli * GFDL * Rind * GISS II * Schlesinger * UI model * McFarlane * CCC * Hewitt * UKMO * Valdes * UGAMP * Joussaume * LMD * Herterich * ECHAM * Kitoh * MRI II * Oh * YONU * Abe-Ouchi * CCSR / NIES * McAvaney * BMRC 3.4 * Budd * MUGCM * Syktus * CSIRO 4.6 * Loutre * 2-D LLNL * Kislov * Moscow ************************************************* ############################################################################## LIST OF THE WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS ############################################################################## LMCE Team: Laboratoire de Modelisation du Climat et de l´Environnement D.S.M. / Orme des Merisiers / Bat. 709 C.E. Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex FRANCE Tel.: (33) 1 Fax.: (33) 1 email: pmipweb@lsce.ipsl.fr * BRACONNOT Pascale * JOUSSAUME Sylvie * MASSON Valerie * de NOBLET Nathalie * RAMSTEIN Gilles ABE-OUCHI Ayako Center for Climate System Research (CCSR) University of Tokyo 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku Tokyo, 153 JAPAN Tel.: (81) 3 5453.3972 Fax.: (81) 3 5453.3964 email: abeouchi@ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp BARTLEIN Patrick Department of Geography University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403-1251 USA Tel.: 1 (503) 346.4967 Fax.: 1 (503) 346.2067 email: bartlein@oregon.uoregon.edu BROCCOLI Anthony J. NOAA / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Princeton University P.O. Box 308 Princeton, NJ 08542 USA Tel.: 1 (609) 452.6671 Fax.: 1 (609) 987.5063 email: ajb@gfdl.gov DONG Buwen Department of Meteorology University of Reading 2 Earley Gate Whiteknigts, P.O. Box 329 Reading RG6 2AU UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: (44) 734 87.5123 (ext. 4235) Fax.: (44) 734 35.2604 email: swsdong@met.reading.ac.uk GUIOT Joel Laboratoire de Botanique Historique et de Palynologie Boite 451 Faculte de Saint-Jerome 13397 Marseille FRANCE Tel.: (33) Fax.: (33) email: guiot@frmop22.cnusc.fr HARRISON Sandy P. Department of Physical Geography Solvegatan 13 S-223 62 Lund SWEDEN Tel.dom: (46) 415.222.48 Tel.bur: (46) 46 222.9773 Fax.dom: (46) 415.220.31 email: lakes@dungbeatle.planteco.lu.se HERTERICH Klaus Universitat Bremen Fachbereich 5 - geowissenschaften Postfach 330440 28334 Bremen GERMANY Tel.: (49) 421 218.47.23 Fax.: (49) 421 218.70.40 email: herterich@palmod.uni-bremen.de HEWITT Chris Room H304, Hadley Centre Meteorological Office London Road Bracknell Berkshire RG12 2SY UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: (44) 344 85.4520 Fax.: (44) 344 85.4898 email: cdhewitt@email.meto.govt.uk JOLLY Dominique Global Systems Group Department of Ecology Ecology Building, Lund University Solvegatan 37 S-663 22 Lund SWEDEN Tel.: (46) 46 10.31.32 Fax.: (46) 46 10.44.23 email: djolly@dungbeatle.planteco.lu.se KISLOV Alexandre Prof., Doc.Hon. Department of meteorology and climatology Geographical faculty of Moscow State University senior scientist of Institute of Geography of Moscow 119899,Moscow, lenin Gory RUSSIA Tel.: Fax.: 095 9328836 email: kislov@gis.geogr.msu.su KITOH Akio Climate Research Department Meteorological Research Institute Nagamine 1-1, Tsukuba Ibaraki 305 JAPAN Tel.: (81) 298 53.8594 Fax.: (81) 298 55.2552 email: kitoh@mri-jma.go.jp KRINNER Gerhard LGGE - CNRS 54 Rue Moliere, DU BP 96 F-38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE Tel.: (33) Fax.: (33) email.: gerhard@glaciog.grenet.fr KUTZBACH John E. Director, Center for Climatic Research University of Wisconsin 1225 West Dayton Street Madison, WI 53706 USA Tel.: 1 (608) 262.2839 Fax.: 1 (608) 262.5964 email: jekutzba@facstaff.wisc.edu LAUTENSCHLAGER Michael Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH Abt. Modellbetreuung Bundesstrasse 55 D-2000 Hamburg 13 GERMANY Tel.: (49) 40 411.73.297 Fax.: (49) 40 411.73.270 email: lautenschlager@dkrz.d400.de LOUTRE Marie-Francoise Institut d'Astronomie et de Geophysique G. Lemaitre Universite Catholique de Louvain 2 Chemin du Cyclotron B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve BELGIUM Tel.: (32) 10 47.3297 (or: 47.3299) Fax.: (32) 10 47.4722 email: loutre@astr.ucl.ac.be McFARLANE Norman A. Canadian Center for Climate Research Atmospheric Environment Service University of Victoria 3964 Gordon Head Road Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 CANADA Tel.: (604) 363.8227 Fax.: (604) 363.8247 email: nmcfarlane@uvic.bc.doe.ca MITCHELL John F. Meteorological Office London Road Bracknell Berkshire RG12 2SZ UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: (44) 344 85.6613 Fax.: (44) 344 85.6912 email: jfbmitchell@email.meto.govt.uk OGLESBY Robert J. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA Tel.: 1 (317) 494.9531 Fax.: 1 (317) 496.1210 email: oglesby@spring.atms.purdue.edu OH Jai-Ho Forecast Research laboratory Meteorological Research Institute #2, Waryong-Dong, Chongno-Gu, Seoul 110-360 KOREA Tel.: (82) 2 765.7016 Fax.: (82) 2 351.4607 email: jho@iris.mri.re.kr OTTO-BLIESNER National Center for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 USA Tel.: 1 (303) 497.1723 Fax.: 1 (303) 497.1348 email: ottobli@ncar.ucar.edu POLLARD Dave National Center for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 USA Tel.: 1 (303) 497.1344 Fax.: 1 (303) 497.1348 email: pollard@ncar.ucar.edu PRENTICE Colin Global Systems Group Department of Ecology Ecology Building, Lund University Solvegatan 37 S-663 22 Lund SWEDEN Tel.dom: (46) 41 52.22.48 Tel.bur: (46) 46 10.41.76 Fax.dom: (46) 41 52.20.31 Fax.bur: (46) 46 10.44.23 email: colin@dungbeatle.planteco.lu.se RIND David Goddard Institute for Space Studies / NASA 2880 Broadway avenue New York, NY 10025 USA Tel.: 1 (212) 678.5593 Fax.: 1 (212) 678.5552 email: cddhr@giss.nasa.gov SCHLESINGER Michael Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign 105 South Gregory Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 USA Tel.: 1 (217) 333.2192 Fax.: 1 (217) 244.4393 email: schlesin@crg50.atmos.uiuc.edu schlesin@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu SLOAN Lisa Institute of Marine Sciences University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA Tel.: 1 (408) 459.3693 Fax.: email: lcsloan@rupture.ucsc.edu SYKTUS Jozef I. CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Private Bag No. 1 Mordialloc, Victoria 3195 AUSTRALIA Tel.: (61) 3 586.7548 Fax.: (61) 3 586.7600 email: jis@dar.csiro.au TAYLOR Karl E. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, L-264 Livermore, CA 94550 USA Tel.: 1 (510) 423.3623 Fax.: 1 (510) 422.7675 email: taylor13 (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page) VALDES Paul Department of Meteorology University of Reading 2 Earley Gate Whiteknigts, P.O. Box 329 Reading RG6 2AU UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: (44) 734 87.5123 (ext. 4235) Fax.: (44) 734 35.2604 email: swsvalde@swssner1.reading.ac.uk VERBITSKY Mikhail Department of Geology & Geophysics Yale University P.O. Box 6666 New Haven, CT 06511 USA Tel.: 1 (203) 432.3159 Fax.: 1 (203) 432.3134 email: verb@milne.geology.yale.edu VETTORETTI Canadian Center for Climate Research Atmospheric Environment Service University of Victoria 3964 Gordon Head Road Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 CANADA Fax.: (604) 363.8247 email: guido@chinook.physics.utoronto.ca WEBB Robert S. NOAA Paleoclimatology Program National Geophysical Data Center 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 USA Tel.: 1 (303) 497.6967 Fax.: 1 (303) 497.6513 email: rsw@ngdc.noaa.gov