PMIP Workshop Newsletter 3


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                       Workshop letter / No. 3
                              August 1995

Dear PMIP workshop participant,

The workshop is now approaching. We would like to give you some more

1)  on how to get to Collonges la Rouge, this nice remote old village where
the workshop will be held. 

2) on the practical requirements for the reimbursement of travel expenses
(for those concerned)

3) on how to produce an "Atlas" of your model results (DUE BEFORE
AUGUST 31) to be distributed at the workshop in order to facilitate 
discussions on model results.  Note that in lieu of creating this atlas
yourself, you may contribute your model results to the PMIP archive by
August 31, and we will produce the atlas for you.  The output you
transfer to the archive at PCMDI should be in the format specified in
Newsletter 6.

In addition we attach a questionnaire which we would like you to fill
out and return to us.


We recall that participants will be expected to arrive Sunday, October 1
and depart after the morning session on Friday, October 6.

To get to Collonges la Rouge you have to fly either to Paris or Toulouse
(France) and then take a train to Brive la Gaillarde which is the nearest
town near Collonges (20 km). We will organize a shuttle from Brive to
Collonges after receiving your responses to the questionnaire at the
end of this letter.

If you arrive in PARIS :
You have to  get the train at  "Gare d'Austerlitz" which is located in the
center of Paris. Gare d'Austerlitz can be reached from both Paris airports
(map will be sent by mail)  : 
- Roissy-Charles de Gaulle : in about 1 hour time at every 15 mns 
        (using RER towards Paris and having to change in St-Michel station
        towards Austerlitz)
- Orly : in about 30 minutes at every 15 mns 
        (bus to the train station then use train : "Orly rail")

We show below the current time schedule for trains (some changes may 
occur for
October but will be known only after mid-August).

The cost for a 2nd class round-trip ticket is about 600 FF (and can be
bought at the train station before departure with French currency or
credit card if not available from abroad)

Time schedule for trains PARIS-BRIVE : 
Paris-Austerlitz to Brive-la-Gaillarde on Sunday
Paris   09.06   10.15   10.03   13.45   17.00   18.00   19.09   21.31    
Brive   13.48   14.11   17.54   17.58   21.12   22.02   23.19   02.17   

Paris   22.18   22.56
Brive   03.20   04.08

>From Brive to Paris on Friday:
Brive   13.13   15.54   16.29   17.26
Paris   17.28   20.15   21.35   21.20

Time schedule for trains TOULOUSE-BRIVE :
>From Toulouse to Brive on SUNDAY
Toulouse 07.29  10.27   13.40   14.03   17.37   19.26   21.08  
Brive    09.56  12.55   15.52   16.27   19.52   21.48   23.55             

Toulouse        22.04   22.45
Brive           00.32   01.14

from Brive to Toulouse on FRIDAY afternoon
Brive           14.26   17.03  18.02
Toulouse        16.55   19.45  20.38  


The workshop is sponsored both by the European Union and the NOAA
Office of Global Programs (Paleoclimatology Program). This will allow
us to support the travel expenses of many of the participants
(according to our individual agreements) at THE APEX LEVEL ONLY, and
support local accomodation for all workshop participants.

All participants receiving travel support will have to proceed as follows :

- Participants from Europe and Russia will be reimbursed after the meeting
by the Laboratoire de Modelisation du Climat et de l´Environnement
organising the meeting. They will need to provide a copy of their tickets
as well as information about their bank account.

- The other participants are expected to be supported under NOAA
funding, but we have just learned (August 2) that a recision in the
NOAA budget puts this money in jeopardy.  We were assured less than a
month ago that this money was protected, but apparently the
difficulties at NOAA are causing some rather drastic measures to be
taken.  We are attempting to get reauthorization to spend this money,
but we have no idea at this time whether we will be successful.  Karl
Taylor will send out another message a week from now concerning these
funds.   In the worst case Karl will be unsuccessful in obtaining
reauthorization and unsuccessful in obtaining alternative funding in
which case we would be forced to renege on our commitments to cover
your travel expenses, although local accomodations would still be
supported under other funding.

3)  ATLAS of model results

        As we have already mentioned in our previous letter, we propose to
gather a standard set of model figures and global budgets  for each
model and prepare a booklet to be distributed at the workshop, in order
to facilitate discussion and initiate model-model comparisons.

        To prepare the booklet we would need you TO PROVIDE THE 
SET OF FIGURES described below to LMCE (postcript files sent by ftp to :
<computer_does_not_exist_any_longer>.fr or paper copies by express mail) 
                                by AUGUST 31 1995.

        We are aware that in the same time frame we have asked you to
contribute data to the PMIP database at PCMDI (Newsletter 6- 28 July :
if you have not received it, please request a copy from
paleo - NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page). We thus propose :

- if you submit your data to the PCMDI archive before the end of
August, we will process your data ourselves and produce the required
atlas of figures and budgets for your model

- if you cannot contribute your data before that date, please PRODUCE
THE ATLAS as your FIRST PRIORITY and then contribute your data to the
archive as soon as you can.

Remember that the output you transfer to the PMIP archive at PCMDI
should be in the format specified in Newsletter 6.

                                PMIP ATLAS 
                        for each paleoclimatic experiment

The Atlas will include :
  - an ascii file for global budgets as described below 
  - postscript files (or paper copies sent by mail) for the standard set of

Please transfer your tables and figures via anonymous ftp to LMCE :
        ftp <computer_does_not_exist_any_longer>.fr
        login anonymous
        passwd your email
        cd pub/PMIP

using the following convention for file names as defined for the PMIP
database (newsletter 6) :

 - for ascii files :        modelid_run

- for postscript files :

where pg is the page number defined in the atlas and :

c     modelid = ascii string (<= 8 characters) containing 
c                abbreviated model i.d. for use in file names (e.g., 
c                gen, ccm2, ech2, ccm-llnl, etc.)  No blanks or upper  
c                case characters are permitted

c         run = ascii string (<= 5 characters)
c             = '6fix' (for 6 ka BP simulation with fixed SSTs)
c             = '21cal' (for 21 ka BP simulation with computed SSTs)
c             = '21fix' (for 21 ka BP simulation with fixed SSTs)
c             = '0fix' (for fixed SST control run)
c             = '0cal' (for calculated SST control run)

As an example, LMCE results are available :
        ftp <computer_does_not_exist_any_longer>.fr
        login anonymous
        passwd your email
        cd pub/PMIP
        mget lmcelmd*

The postscript files are stored on the following way :
      [lmcelmd4, lmcelmd5]_[6fix, 21fix]_pg[page number].ps
        ----------------   -------------   ---------------
        model id             run            from 1 to 7

and the ascii files :  [lmcelmd4, lmcelmd5]_[6fix, 21fix]


For all the periods (0fix, 6fix, 21fix, 0cal, 21cal)
and for the following fields :

NAME            TITLE

rsdt            TOA incident short wave radiation (W/m2)
seaice          percentage of area covered by sea ice (%)
snm             snow mass per unit area (kg/m2)
tas             2m surface air temperature (Celsius)
pr              total precipitations (mm/d)
rlt             net outgoing long wave radiation at the  
                        top of the atmosphere (W/m2)
rltcs           net clear-sky outgoing long wave radiation
                         at the top of the atmosphere (W/m2)
rst             net short wave radiation at the 
                        top of the atmosphere (W/m2)
rstcs           net clear-sky short wave radiation 
                        at the top of the atmosphere (W/m2)
clt             total cloudiness (%)
albt            planetary albedo (%) calculated as the ratio of
                        the mean incident and the mean reflected flux
                        at the top of the atmosphere

please fill in the following table (rounding off each number to the
nearest 0.01):

        TITLE : modelid run variable_name (cf newsletter 6)

      |      Globe          ||  Northern Hemisphere|| Southern Hemisphere |
      | land | ocean| total || land | ocean| total || land | ocean| total |
|YEAR |      |      |       ||      |      |       ||      |      |       |
|DJF  |      |      |       ||      |      |       ||      |      |       |
|JJA  |      |      |       ||      |      |       ||      |      |       |

=> For each run (file name : modelid_run) all of your tables should be
contained in a single ascii file.  Please make sure that your units are
specified consistent with those in the above list (which are the same
as those in Newsletter 6).

=> Some fields will have 5 significant figures, others only 1 or 2
significant figures because all numbers should be rounded off to the
nearest 0.01 as in the example below.

Example of Table:


      |      Globe          ||  Northern Hemisphere|| Southern Hemisphere |
      | land | ocean| total || land | ocean| total || land | ocean| total |
|YEAR |326.38|348.27| 341.87||323.39|354.06| 341.85||332.78|343.99| 341.90|
| DJF |283.21|380.45| 352.03||198.48|260.31| 235.69||464.26|469.32| 468.37|
| JJA |372.47|314.84| 331.69||445.04|441.62| 442.98||217.43|221.07| 220.39|


PMIP atlas :    One set for each paleo experiment.
-----------     7 pages for 6000BP and 21000BP with fixed SST
                8 pages for 2100BP with computed SST
                with 4 figures (i.e., panels) on each page

On all pages the following information must be written: the name of the
group, the version of the model used, the (paleo)period, the field
displayed and the season.

Isolines should be labelled. 

Page 1 to 7 are common to 6000, 21000 with fixed SST and 21000 with
computed SST. Page 8 is specific to 21000 with computed SST.  Note that
the "control runs" for the 21000 experiments with computed and fixed
SSTs will be different.

PAGE 1 : Surface air temperatures (degrees Celsius)     
 Control run DJF                 Control run JJA
 Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA

with isolines :
- control run : every 5 degree C, negative values dashed;
- 6000BP minus control run : every 1 degree C, negative values dashed;
- 21000BP minus control run : every 5 degree C, negative values dashed.

PAGE 2 : Precipitation (mm/day)

Control run DJF                 Control run JJA

Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA

Isolines :
- control run : 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 mm/day;
- anomalies : negative values dashed, isolines -20,-10,-5,-2.5,-1,1,2.5,5,10,20

PAGE 3 : Annual paleo minus control 

Air temperature (Celsius)               Precipitation minus evaporation (mm/d)

Total cloudiness (%)                    Planetary albedo (%) *

(* Planetary albedo : calculated by mean reflected / mean incident)

Isolines :
- air temperature anomaly : cf page 1;
- P-E anomaly :
        6000BP : -15,-10,-5,-2.5,-1,1,2.5,5,10,15
        21000BP: -10, -5, -2.5, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10
- cloudiness anomaly : 
        6000BP : every 2%
        21000BP: every 10%
- planetary albedo anomaly : every 5%
        6000BP : every 1%
        21000BP: every 10%

PAGE 4 : Sea level pressure (hPa) *

Control run DJF                 Control run JJA

Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA

* For 21000BP, sea level pressure has to be corrected :
Average globally the control DJF sea level pressure => pmoy0
Average globally the 21000BP DJF sea level pressure => pmoy21
On each point, correct the 21000BP DJF sea level pressure by adding :
(same procedure for JJA).

Isolines :
- control run : every 5 hPa, values below 1015 hPa dashed;
- 6000BP anomaly : every 2 hPa, values below 0 dashed;
- 21000BP anomaly : every 3 hPa, values below 0 dashed;

PAGE 5 : 500 hPa geopotential height (m)

Control run DJF                 Control run JJA

Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA

Isolines :
- control run : every 50 m.
- 6000BP anomaly : every 10m, values below 0 dashed;
- 21000BP anomaly : every 50 m, values below 0 dashed.

PAGE 6 : Winds at 850 hPa (m/s, vectors)

Control run DJF                 Control run JJA

Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA

Arrows :
- same reference arrow for DJF and JJA (ex 2mm <-> 10m/s)
- reference arrow two times larger for anomalies than for control 
(ex 4 mm <-> 10m/s)

PAGE 7 : 200 hPa velocity potential (10^6 m2/s)

Control run DJF                 Control run JJA

Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA
Isolines =
- control run : every 2.10^6 m2/s, values below 0 dashed;
- 6000BP anomaly : every 10^6 m2/s hPa, values below 0 dashed;
- 21000BP anomaly : every 2.10^6 m2/s hPa, values below 0 dashed;

PAGE 8 : Only for 21000 experiment with computed SST : sea ice fraction (%)
------                       -------------

Control run DJF                 Control run JJA

Paleo minus control DJF         Paleo minus control JJA

Isolines :
- control run : every 20%
- 21000BP anomaly : 0, 10, 20, 50, 100, values below 0 dashed.

If you have any question or comment, please contact
paleo or taylor13. (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)

NB : Our workstation : <computer_does_not_exist_any_longer>.fr is going to be upgraded soon
and may be shut down. If you have trouble reaching it, you could then use
ftp anonymous at PCMDI  (a copy of LMCE results is also available there) :
        login  : anonymous
         password : you email address
         cd /pub/ktaylor/pmip/atlas


Please complete and return this questionnaire to paleo (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)

                                before SEPTEMBER 10

        so that we may organize local transportation and accomodation *

Name : .......................................................

Accompanying persons : .......................................

Will arrive on : .............................................

        - Paris or Toulouse : 
          flight number ......................................

        - Brive la Gaillarde   at : ..........................

Will depart on : .............................................

        - Brive la Gaillarde at : .............................
        - from Paris or Toulouse : 
          flight number .......................................

* accomodation is planned with an arrival before sunday evening dinner and 
departure after friday lunch.

Hoping to receive many interesting files in the near future ...

Sincerely yours 

Sylvie Joussaume and Karl Taylor

Contact Address:
        Laboratoire de Modelisation du Climat et de l´Environnement
        D.S.M. / Orme des Merisiers / Bat. 709
        C.E. Saclay
        9119 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex

        Tel.:   (33) 1
        Fax.:   (33) 1
        email:  paleo (NEW! Please check the PMIP 'Contacts' web page)


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